Beauty from Ashes

In 2005, a group of men from Centennial Covenant Church took a backpack trip starting from Trapper's Lake in the Flattops. This is my favorite spot in Colorado. Over the last 15 years, I have annually backpacked in this Wilderness area up until 7 years ago when the Big Fish Fire devastated the area. When we departed for Trapper's Lake on that August day, I feared that I would find the place I loved destroyed by this terrible fire. Instead, I rediscovered God's love for taking "broken things" and making them beautiful. The Flattops have been transformed into one of the most beautiful landscapes I have ever seen. At Belay Enterprises, over the last nine years, I have had a front row seat in seeing God transform numerous lives broken by addiction or felony conviction. It is the great joy of my ministry to see God's grace transform a broken life into something beautiful. This is one of the great blessings of working in a faithventure.


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